3. meeting

Tuesday 13th December, 2011, 
9:30-11.30 Risø, Building 118

Approximately 25 participants were attending the meeting.


Andrey Sogachev 

Coriolis effect on wind profiles in ABL  over vegetative canopies 

Abhijit Chougule

Vertical spectral phases in the rotor plan 
(= arrival time differences over the rotor)

Kurt S. Hansen &
Pierre-Elouan Rethoré

 IEA Wakebench & questinaire
(Latest IEA Annex 31 progress report)

N. Troldborg
Status for actuator line and actuator disc simulations with a full rotor in Ellipsys.

Follow up on the PhD meeting in October 2011.
Next PhD meeting is planned to February 2012.


Activities in 2012