Windinspire workshop June 24-25 2013

WINDINSPIRE First International Workshop on

“Wind Energy Intermittency: From Wind Farm Turbulence to Economic Management”

Danish Technical University, June 24, 25, 2013 Lyngby, Denmark



The first WINDINSPIRE international workshop was organized by Charles Meneveau, Johns Hopkins University, University, Baltimore, co-organized and hosted by the Jens N. Sørensen, at DTU Wind Energy. Approximately 50 persons, primarily representing USA, Spain, The Netherlands and Denmark were attending the workshop, which included 28 oral presentations and 13 poster presentations.




Objectives: “Wind Energy Intermittency: From Wind Farm Turbulence to Economic Management”

J. N. Sørensen & C. Mineveau

Welcome and Overview 

Keynote lecture

Dr. Carsten Westergaard, NextraTEC, Inc.  


Ideas that could boosts wind farm performance

Session 1: Development of tools for computational modeling of wind farm turbulence
and experimental validations

Jens N. Sørensen, (DTU) Overview of CFD tools for wind farms
Johan Meyers, (Leuven) LES and wind farm optimization
Luciano Castillo (TTU) Wind tunnel measurements of kinetic energy
entrainment and updates on subscale wind farm facility
Jakob Mann (DTU)  Lidar measurements of turbine wakes for model
Jian Sheng (TTU) Simultaneous measurement of aerodynamics characteristics
and near wake behind a HAWT model turbine covered with fibular polymer
Stefano Leonardi (UPR) Simulating rough-wall turbulent boundary layers
Rajat Mittal (JHU)

Immersed boundary methods and applications to FSI

Robert Mikkelsen (DTU) Model experiments of wakes
Wen Zhong Shen (DTU) Wakes in complex terrain
Pierre-Elouan Réthoré (DTU) Wind farm optimization and variable-fidelity
wake modeling
Richard Stevens (JHU postdoc)  LES studies of finite-size and inflow angle effects in large wind farms 
Emil Hedevang (Aarhus U postdoc)  Spatio-temporal stochastic models for the turbulent velocity vector field 
Andrea Staid (JHU graduate student)  Preliminary results from research visit at DTU, summer 2013 
Claire Verhulst (JHU graduate student)  POD study of kinetic energy entrainment in large wind farms 
Hamid Sarlak (DTU grad student)  Wind turbine and wind farm LES studies using EllipSys3D 
Tiffany Wise-West (UC Santa Cruz grad student)  Presenting the UCSC PIRE on community-scale renewable-energy microgrids 

Session 2: Characterizing wind variability for impact on power and ramping variability

 Charles Meneveau (JHU) LES study of wind farm power spectra 
 Pierre Pinson (DTU) Regimes with various dynamics of power fluctuations offshore 

 Session 3: Network integration and optimization

 Dennice Gayme (JHU) Optimal Power Flow with large scale storage integration 
 Ozge Ozdemir (ECN) The challenges of integrating large scale wind power in energy networks 
 Martin Greiner (Aarhus U) The role of wind energy in far-future electricity systems 

Session 4: Integration with power markets and socio-economic impacts

 Ben Hobbs (JHU) Power market structures to manage variability 
 Judy Cardell (Smith) Wind self-reserves modeling 
 Juan-Miguel Morales (DTU) Clearing forward markets based on forecasts of stochastic production 
 Andres Ramos (Comillas) EV contribution to the integration of wind generation 
 Sonja Wogrin (Comillas) A new modeling approach for electric power systems with high wind penetration 
 Carlos Batlle (Comillas) Overview of research on RES-E integration at Comillas & MIT 

Session 5: Poster session

 Dries Allaerts (Leuven) Stratification effects in LES using an elastic approximation 
 Tony Martinez (JHU) Wind-turbine actuator model and coupling LES with rotor dynamics models in the JHU LES code 
 Simon De Rijcke (Leuven) Optimal power smoothing in wind farms 
 Dalton MacKeon (TTU)


 Jensen Newman (TTU)


 Mahdi Abkar (EPFL) TBA
 Jared Beekman (JHU),


 Alexander Caffee (JHU)


 Adjirah Goel (JHU)


 Adrienne Horne (Smith College)


 Max Okinow (JHU)


 Michael Peven (JHU)


 Mackenzie Brown (TTU) TBA 

Session 6: NWRC Mini-Meeting: NWRC and developing future projects

and partnerships with USA & Europe partners


Note: all presentations and conclusions will soon be available on the WINDINSPIRE website, which is hosted at JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY.