Course Description: Theory and practice of large eddy simulation with applications in marine hydrodynamics and offshore wind energy.
LES with dynamic Smagorinsky model and flow separation, wave analysis of a fixed or floating vertical cylinder by nonlinear potential theory in long wave regime, Morison's equation, wind turbine and wake aerodynamics, blade-element/momentum theory, rotor loads and atmospheric boundary layer profiles.
PhD Course: LES in Hydrodynamics and Offshore Wind Energy
Part I: Oslo University, August 15-17, 2011:
Tuesday - August 16
Jens N. Sørensen: Aerodynamics of wind turbines
John Grue: Main types of offshore wind turbines
John Grue: Wave environment/spectra
John Grue: Dispersion (waves)
John Grue: Deep to shallow water waves; kinematics
John Grue: Ursell number. Cnoidal waves, KdV equation
John Grue: Wind environment, wind spectra
PhD Course: LES in Hydrodynamics and Offshore Wind Energy
Part II: Technical University of Denmark, August 24-26, 2011: